Home India “Modi is the first choice of the people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari” – CM Vishnu Dev Sai.
India - May 12, 2024

“Modi is the first choice of the people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari” – CM Vishnu Dev Sai.

Lok Sabha 24 : Raipur – “The will of the public is the will of Modi ji.” From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, the first choice of the people is “Modi”. The entire opposition including the Indi alliance is upset by this. Because his pulse is not melting in front of Modi ji’s popularity. So now let’s bring a new shigufa of age.

Congress National President Kharge ji has started keeping Congress alive even at the age of 81. Congress and its allies should first have mercy on him.

It is natural for the opposition to complain about Modi ji’s public acceptance across India. Well, it is an irrefutable truth that – “Only Modi will come”, the opposition should take care of their house.

Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai was speaking in an interview on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s comment on PM Modi’s age.

On the question of concrete action against Naxalites, Shri Sai said that ever since our government was formed in Chhattisgarh, we have been fighting strongly against Naxalism. So far 104 Naxalites have been killed. A few days ago, the security forces got a big success in the operation against Naxalites, in which 29 Naxalites were killed in one day in Kanker, ten in Bijapur, ten in Abujhmad. Just two days ago on Friday, twelve Naxalites were killed in an encounter. The force lost its lives to 61 Naxalites in these four encounters alone. Never before had such a large number of Naxalites been killed, including Naxalites with a reward of Rs 20 lakh each. This was a huge success for us. The security forces did this work with great courage, through you I praise the spirit of those who are fighting Naxalism with strength.

The Chief Minister said that Chhattisgarh has also benefited a lot from the double engine government. The Home Minister also wants to completely eliminate Naxalism from Chhattisgarh in the next one-two years. But it is unfortunate that Congress and especially the former Chief Minister are calling these encounters fake, while the Naxalites themselves have released the list and accepted the encounter and Naxalite deaths. This has been the habit of Congress. These people had also raised questions on Modi’s surgical and air strikes on Pakistan. By doing all this, they are reducing the morale of the army and security forces, which is not appropriate.

Describing the tribals as real Hindus, CM Sai said that all the tribal festivals are also traditional. Diwali is also celebrated with great pomp. In which lamps are lit for 2 days, raw lamps on one day and cooked lamps on the second day. On the third day, Annakoot takes place, in which the cattle are bathed in the morning, their horns are oiled, garlanded and food is cooked, fed and worshipped. The festival of Paush Purnima also comes when people become free from farming. On this day we have a picnic outside and the next day we prepare and eat good dishes at home. Holi festival is also celebrated with great joy, almost all the festivals are celebrated in tribal also.

When asked about family vacations and outings other than political activities, the Chief Minister said that we have never been free. After father’s death, our childhood was spent in struggles since the age of 10. We were not fortunate enough to play and jump. There were a lot of responsibilities, but on Paush Purnima, when there is a tradition of going out for a picnic, there was a river passing outside the village where we would go with the family and cook and eat one meal there. Then after coming into politics, most of our time has been spent in social programs and among people.

On the question of wife’s role in managing the family amidst his political busyness, Shri Sai said that my in-laws house is only 20 km away from the village and it is my good fortune that I have got a very good religious wife. Who has cooperated all the time without complaining and today when we have become more busy after becoming the Chief Minister, today she is handling the entire area. People invite her to all the programs and listen to her. She is also a good speaker. He has great interest in worship. He has read texts like Geeta and Ramayana.

Describing about his political journey, Vishnu Dev Sai said that I had never thought because when I was 10 years old, my father’s shadow had gone away from my mind. Being the elder brother in the house, along with his studies, he had the responsibility of teaching his younger siblings, taking care of his parents and doing farming. When our studies were completed, it was also the time of Panchayat elections. On the request of the villagers, we contested the Panch election and remained Panch for five years. When the next election came, the entire Panchayat people said that if you want to become Sarpanch, then we will make you Sarpanch unopposed. By requesting the people, we made Panch unopposed in 12 out of 13 wards and even when elections were held in one ward, our candidate won.

He told that after being the Sarpanch for 6 months, when the assembly elections were held, the Bharatiya Janata Party made us a candidate from Tapkara Assembly, and we won that election also unopposed. Out of 320 assembly seats, our assembly was the only one where the Congress candidate could not get his election symbol allotted due to technical reasons, due to which he contested the election on cycle raid and further his deposit was confiscated, which somehow benefited me and we won by 15000 votes. Made a record by winning.

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