Home India CM participated in land allotment program to Jawaharlal Nehru Journalists Housing Society
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CM participated in land allotment program to Jawaharlal Nehru Journalists Housing Society

Chief Minister Sri A Revanth Reddy participated in the land allotment program to Jawaharlal Nehru Journalists Housing Society program at Ravindra Bharati on Sunday.

Honoring Journalists: The Pillars of Democracy and Society
Journalists are the doctors of society, diagnosing and treating the ills that plague us. Just as a physician works to heal physical ailments, journalists uncover societal deformities and bring them to light for collective introspection and action. It was the visionary leadership of the late former CM YS Rajashekhara Reddy that initiated the allotment of housing sites for journalists, recognizing their vital role in upholding democracy. My government is proud to carry this legacy forward by finding a permanent and comprehensive solution to housing for journalists. This is not merely a policy decision but a step towards ensuring the welfare and dignity of those who hold a mirror to society.

Every profession holds its distinct dignity, and it is the responsibility of every individual within that profession to enhance and uphold its honor. Journalists, in particular, play a unique role in shaping public discourse, and their dedication to truth and integrity must be celebrated.

A Government that Listens
My government believes in the philosophy of a ‘People’s Government,’ where every decision is guided by the suggestions and input of not only the public but also the journalist community. Journalists are not mere observers but active participants in the democratic process. Building trust in institutions is a core objective of my administration, and journalists form an integral part of the system we seek to strengthen. When we foster an environment of transparency and trust, we empower not only the media but the entire state to move forward together.

The Changing Face of Media: The Role of Responsible Journalism
In earlier times, political parties owned and operated newspapers as a medium to spread their ideology and principles. Today, however, media ownership has shifted focus, and some outlets have devolved into platforms for false propaganda and rumor-mongering. This shift has unfortunately tarnished the image of journalism, with some unprofessional practices overshadowing the good work being done by genuine journalists. A handful of unscrupulous individuals are redefining the meaning of journalism in a way that damages public trust. It is imperative that true journalists—the ones dedicated to honesty, ethics, and the pursuit of truth—take on the responsibility of restoring the profession’s integrity.

My government stands firmly in defense of genuine journalists who adhere to professional ethics. We are aware that some publications have crossed the line, resorting to objectionable language and unwarranted personal attacks, even degrading the office of the Chief Minister. These publications, in many cases, serve only the interests of their political party owners, rather than the public. When actions are taken against such errant publications, I appeal to the journalist community to exercise self-restraint and recognize the necessity of maintaining standards in the profession.

Ensuring Journalists’ Welfare: A Priority
We have tasked the Media Academy with drafting new guidelines to provide permanent solutions to long-standing issues such as health cards, accreditation, and other concerns affecting the welfare of journalists. My government will take full responsibility for approving these proposals in the cabinet, ensuring that journalists are supported and safeguarded in their vital work.

Reviving Telangana’s Vision: Tourism, Energy, and Sports
For the past decade, Telangana has lacked comprehensive policies in critical sectors like tourism, energy, and sports. My administration recognizes the untapped potential in these areas and is committed to developing robust, forward-thinking policies that will put Telangana on the map as a leader in these domains. These initiatives will not only drive economic growth but also foster a sense of pride and engagement among the people.

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