Home World “Court Rejects Trump’s Bid to Delay April 15 Hush Money Trial”
World - April 10, 2024

“Court Rejects Trump’s Bid to Delay April 15 Hush Money Trial”

In a swift decision on Tuesday, a New York appeals court judge denied Donald Trump’s latest attempt to postpone his hush money criminal trial. Justice Cynthia Kern took only 12 minutes to reject the argument put forth by Trump’s legal team, who sought a delay while the former president contested a gag order.

This ruling marks the second consecutive denial from the state’s mid-level appeals court in as many days, signaling a diminishing chance for Trump’s legal team to secure a postponement. The trial, scheduled to commence next week, faces narrowing possibilities for delay despite repeated efforts by Trump’s lawyers.

Trump’s legal representatives had requested a postponement until a full panel of appellate court judges could deliberate on lifting or modifying the gag order. This order prohibits Trump from making public statements concerning jurors, witnesses, and other individuals associated with the hush money case.

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