Israel Issues Direct Strike Threat if Iran Attacks from Its Soil
Home World ” Israel Issues Direct Strike Threat if Iran Attacks from Its Soil “
World - December 12, 2017

” Israel Issues Direct Strike Threat if Iran Attacks from Its Soil “

Israel’s foreign minister issued a warning on Wednesday, stating that if Iran were to launch an attack against Israel from its own territory, Israel would retaliate by striking Iran directly. This declaration comes at a time of increased tension between the two countries following the deaths of Iranian generals in an explosion at the Iranian consulate in Syria earlier in the month.

Israel Katz, the foreign minister, made the statement in both Farsi and Hebrew, emphasizing Israel’s readiness to respond to any aggression from Iran. Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, reiterated a vow to retaliate against Israel for the consulate attack, which Tehran blames on Israel. The attack killed 12 people, including a senior Iranian general and other military personnel.

Israel has been suspected of carrying out numerous attacks on Iranian-linked targets in Syria over the years, aimed at disrupting arms transfers and other collaborations with Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group supported by Iran. While Israel has not officially acknowledged its involvement in the recent consulate attack, it has been preparing for potential Iranian retaliation.

The escalating tensions between Israel and Iran come amidst ongoing conflicts in the region, including the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Hamas, the ruling authority in Gaza, has launched attacks on southern Israel, with backing from Iran. Additionally, Iran supports various Iraqi militias targeting U.S. military bases in Syria and Iraq.

Ayatollah Khamenei condemned the consulate attack, likening it to an assault on Iranian territory and vowing punishment for those responsible. He also criticized Western countries, particularly the U.S. and Britain, for supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas.

Both Israel and Iran have issued strong statements, but neither has elaborated on the specifics of how they would retaliate. The situation remains tense as both sides brace for potential escalation in their longstanding conflict.

It’s important to note that Iran does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state, further complicating the already strained relations between the two nations.

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